The PC-SIG Library 10
The PC-Sig Library - Shareware for the IBM PC and Compatibles (PC-SIG)(Tenth Edition Disks 1-2804)(1991).iso
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29th May, 1989
About TSPFON in General
Apply question mark ? with the program call for a brief description of the
pcpfon.exe program.
This package may be used and distributed freely for NON-COMMERCIAL,
NON-INSTITUTIONAL, PRIVATE purposes, provided its contents is not changed in
any way. For ANY other usage contact the author. No part of this package may
be distributed separately.
The programs are under development. Comments and contacts are solicited. If
you have any comments, please do not hesitate to use electronic mail for
InterNet address: ts@chyde.uwasa.fi (preferred)
Funet address: VAKK::SALMI
FidoNet address: 2:515/1 (Micro Maniacs Opus, To: Timo Salmi)
The author shall not be liable to the user for any direct, indirect or
consequential loss arising from the use of, or inability to use, any program,
file or idea howsoever caused. No warranty is given that the programs, or the
advice, will work under all circumstances.
Timo Salmi
Professor of Accounting and Business Finance
School of Business Studies, University of Vaasa
P.O. BOX 297, SF-65101 Vaasa, Finland
Searching Archive: TSPFON29.ARC - Procomm Plus utils by Timo Salmi
Filename Comment Date Time
-------- -------------------------------- ---- ----
HOSTMODE.ASP Modem and Procomm into host mode 12-27-88 09:51:06
ONLINE.EXE Summary of calls from pcplus.fon 05-12-89 16:24:26
OPUS.ASP A Script Command File 06-21-88 15:28:56
PC.BAT Run PCPLUS and Scandinavian keys 03-11-89 14:07:30
PCAT.BAT Same, but on a harddisk 03-11-89 15:28:22
PCPFON.EXE Makes improved call logging data 04-21-89 20:46:50
PCPQA.TXT Procomm questions and answers 05-19-89 08:06:14
PFON.BAT Rewrites old pcplus.fon call log 08-10-88 23:53:24
TRANSFER.TXT How to transfer files PC <--> PC 12-27-88 09:31:16
TSPFON.INF Document 05-29-89 14:30:00
TSPROG.INF List of PD programs from T.Salmi 05-28-89 13:10:24
VAASA.INF Info: Finland, Vaasa, U of Vaasa 05-28-89 20:31:00
ZMOD-D.BAT For ZMODEM downloading on hardsk 05-09-89 10:38:20
ZMOD-U.BAT For ZMODEM uploading on harddisk 05-09-89 10:41:22
ZMODEM-D.BAT For ZMODEM downloading on floppy 12-27-88 10:09:18
ZMODEM-U.BAT For ZMODEM uploading on floppies 12-26-88 20:48:44
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PCPFON.EXE (Ver. 2.2)
A typical line in Procomm Plus version 1.1 call logging PCPLUS.FON file may
Micro Maniacs Opus 425966 07/21/88 18:32:09 19:19:02 (null)
or in version 1.1A
Micro Maniacs Opus 425966 07/21/88 18:32:09 19:19:02 00:46:53
PCPFON can be used to
1) convert the information into the following (weekday) format
Micro Maniacs Opus 425966 Th210788 18:32:09 19:19:02 00:46:53
2) calculate the sum of elapsed times
a) from all calls
b) from calls to an individual bulletin board
Procomm Plus creates and updates a call log file PCPLUS.FON if call logging
is enabled (default) using the Alt-S setup facility as explained in Chapter 8
of Procomm Plus User's Manual. This file is supposed to contain the following
data: NAME NUMBER DATE ONLINE OFFLINE ELAPSED. There are, however, some
problems. If the modem DSR and DCD are not set to follow the carrier, the
OFFLINE item is updated only when Procomm is exited. Furthermore, and more
importantly, the ELAPSED item seems to remain null in version 1.1 whatever the
settings (at least those I have experimented with). Finally, PCPLUS.FON does
not contain any totals, nor selective call logging.
This program PCPFON calculates the elapsed times and totals from PCPLUS.FON.
The dates mm/dd/yy are converted into a weekday format wwddmmyy.
USAGE: PCPFON <source file> <destination file> [search string]
E.g. if you use PCPFON PCPLUS.FON CON you will get the improved PCPLUS.FON data
on the screen. You can also use a search string for selective PCPLUS.FON data.
The search string is case insensitive, and picks out the call where part of
the name or the number matches the search string. The search string cannot
contain any blanks.
PCPFON does not work on Procomm 2.4.2, nor on Procomm Plus TestDrive. I have
developed and tested it for Procomm Plus versions 1.1 and 1.1A.
Procomm and Procomm Plus are trademarks of Datastorm Technologies, Inc.
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Release 1.2: After releasing version 1.1 I noticed a further bug in the data
prepared by Procomm Plus for its pcplus.fon file. If the name of the bulletin
board in the dialing directory is long, the columns of pcplus.fon are
distorted. PCPFON release 1.2 will write the offending rows unchanged, while
the earlier releases put blanks in incorrect places of the row. The offending
calls are not included in counting the total number of calls.
Release 1.3: The dates in pcplus.fon are in the mm/dd/yy format. It is,
however, often informative to know the weekday of the calls (the phone
rates may vary, etc.). Therefore, the dates are altered into wwddmmyy format.
E.g. 07/06/88 (i.e. 6th of July, 1988) will be converted into We060788.
Release 1.4: The total elapsed time to all the calls should now be correct.
In earlier releases the change of day during calls affected the total.
Furthermore, the search string may now contain up to two separate blanks.
Release 1.5: If the last field is empty instead of (null), the elapsed
time was printed one column too early. This has been corrected.
Release 1.6: Introduces the "more" system to pause at full screen if output
is directed to CON. Also, improved checks of the access to the files involved.
Release 1.7: The speed of the program has been increased. The option to skip
the "more" has been added. The bug preventing more than 27 entries being
written to a file in the selective call logging has been corrected. (Getting
this program bug-free has to my surprise turned out to be one of the most
difficult programming tasks I have taken up lately!)
Release 1.8: Interface with PFON.BAT improved. See the release note on
PFON.BAT release 1.3.
Release 1.9: The system has been tested on Procomm Plus version 1.1A. No
changes were needed because of the new version. Only the documentation was
brought up to date in this respect. The search string was case independent
with respect to the standard alphabet only. It has been now made case
independent with respect to the Scandinavian characters as well.
Release 2.0: The program has been recompiled with Turbo Pascal 5.0, and
some minor improvements have been made in the way the program handles
filenames, and read-only files.
Release 2.1: Path names have been added to the relevant messages.
Release 2.2: Some minor text changes.
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PFON.BAT (Ver 1.3)
As an alternative to using PCPFON.EXE "manually" you can use PFON for an
automatic update of the PCPLUS.FON file. All you have to do is to see that
you have enough free space on your device (at least twice the size of the
PCPLUS.FON file), that the device is not write protected, and simply type
PFON for the update. PFON will also make a backup PCPLUS.BCK of your old
PCPLUS.FON file. If you apply PFON ? the PCPFON.EXE help is invoked.
Release 1.1: The batch now asks for your confirmation before rewriting
your pcplus.fon file. Furthermore, PFON now has a help of its own which is
invoked by PFON ?
Release 1.2: Terminates properly should pcplus.fon file be read-only for
some unimaginable reason.
Release 1.3: Terminates properly if PCPFON.EXE detects an error condition.
In plain language handles situations like the disk becoming full in creating
the temporary files needed for converting the old pcplus.fon file.
A self-documenting script file for entering the Procomm Plus Host Mode.
A script file to call e.g. Finnish Opus bulletin boards. Chapters 4 and 8 of
Procomm Plus User's Manual contain more information about the script command
language for automating communications.
The purpose of this batch is to load a memory resident Scandinavian keyboard
driver for the duration of using Procomm Plus. The documentation is in the
file itself.
The purpose of this batch is to download file(s) with Procomm Plus using the
ZMODEM protocol. The documentation is in the file itself. Also see the screen
extracts below.
The purpose of this batch is to upload a file with Procomm Plus using the
ZMODEM protocol. The documentation is in the file itself. Also see the screen
extracts below.
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ONLINE.EXE 1.0 (c) 1989 by Matti Hänninen
This program creates a file named ONLINE.LOG by reading the call log
file created by PROCOMM PLUS (usually PCPLUS.FON).
ONLINE.LOG includes all boxes you have been on-line and total on-line
times sorted by time and amounts of calls to all boxes. Program requires
that the last column in source file includes elapsed times of calls,
otherwise total on-line times in file ONLINE.LOG will be zero.
Syntax: ONLINE [file] , where file is the file which is
read by the program. If no file
is given, PCPLUS.FON is used.
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║ ║
║ select this --> PROTOCOL OPTIONS ║
║ ║
║ Alt-Z: Help │ Press ! or ! to select, «─┘ to accept │ Esc: Exit ║
║ A- External protocol 1 upload filename ..... ZMODEM-U <-- set these ║
║ ! ║
║ B- External protocol 1 download filename ... ZMODEM-D <----------+ ║
║ ! ║
║ C- External protocol 2 upload filename ..... ZMOD-U <----------+ ║
║ ! ║
║ D- External protocol 2 download filename ... ZMOD-D <----------+ ║
║ ║
║ E- External protocol 3 upload filename ..... EXTERN 3 ║
║ ║
║ F- External protocol 3 download filename ... EXTERN 3 ║
║ ║
║ G- XMODEM type ............................. NORMAL ║
║ ║
║ H- Aborted downloads ....................... DELETE ║
║ ║
║ Alt-Z: Help │ Press the letter of the option to change: │ Esc: Exit ║
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Releases 1.0-1.9: See the release notes on TSPFON.EXE.
Release 2.0: A Procomm Plus questions and answers collection PCPQA.TXT was
Release 2.4: The batch files for using external Z-Modem file transfers in
Procomm Plus can now take multiple parameters.
Release 2.5: More questions and answers have been added to the PCPQA.TXT
questions and answers collection.
Release 2.6: A couple of more questions and some honing of the old ones in
PCPQA.TXT. Appends a VAASA.INF file giving statistics about Finland, Vaasa,
and the University of Vaasa.
Release 2.7: Adds a new program ONLINE.EXE by Matti Hänninen. This useful
program is included at his request and consent. This program gives a summary
of calls recorded in pcplus.fon. PCPAQ.TXT again has a couple of new
Release 2.8: Extends some of the answers in PCPQA.TXT.
Release 2.9: More questions and answers in PCPQA.TXT. ONLINE.EXE updated to
be version 2.0.